Golden opportunity for those of you who want to work in Japan

The best choice
Reliable Service
High quality
LPK Azza Salman Dewandaru

LPK Azza Salman Dewandaru

Japanese Language Job Training Program

Welcome to LPK Azza Salman Dewandaru. We are very proud to welcome you to this training institute, we are dedicated to preparing the Indonesian workforce to be ready to compete in the global market. I, Asis Ardian Susanto, as the director, have more than 10 years of experience working as a nurse in Japan. This experience has given me a deep insight into the needs and standards of the international industry and the importance of thorough preparation. Therefore, we established LPK Azza Salman Dewandaru with the aim to provide quality training that can empower the Indonesian workforce in various sectors, not only health but also other programs.

At LPK Azza Salman Dewandaru, we offer a wide array of training programs specifically designed to meet the needs of the global industry. Our programs include technical skills training, Japanese language acquisition, as well as an in-depth understanding of Japanese culture and work ethics. We believe that readiness is not only measured by technical skills but also by the ability to adapt to different work environments and cultures.

Our LPK is a language training institute that is committed to helping students achieve their goals whether it is to deepen their Japanese or join a program to work in Japan. We have extensive experience in providing intensive language training that focuses on the skills necessary for success in the Japanese job market. Join us to start your journey to a great career in Japan.

Our Advantages

The Best Japanese Language Job Training Institute

Our Advantages

Short Training

Intensive training designed to give Japanese language skills quickly and effectively.

Japanese Language Teacher

Have passed the Japanese Nurse/Kaigofukushishi National exam, BNSP certified, passed JLPT N2 and experience in the field.

Training Target

Passed the JFT Basic A2/JLPT N4 and SSW exams in his field 

LPK Azza Salman Dewandaru History

LPK Azza Salman Dewandaru was founded in 2023 by Asis Ardian Susanto, a professional who has spent more than 10 years working as a nurse in Japan. His long experience in the Sakura country provided deep insight into the needs and standards of the healthcare industry in Japan in particular, as well as the huge potential of the Indonesian workforce in the global market. Having seen first-hand the challenges and opportunities faced by Indonesian workers overseas, we were compelled to establish a training institute that can comprehensively prepare them through high-quality education and training. 

With a vision to create a competent workforce that is ready to compete on an international level, LPK Azza Salman Dewandaru offers training programs that cover skills, Japanese language acquisition, and understanding of work culture in Japan.  LPK Azza Salman Dewandaru has been committed to improving the quality of Indonesian human resources, bridging them with career opportunities abroad.

Asis Ardian Susanto S.Kep, 
Registered Nurse Japan
Asis Ardian Susanto S.Kep, Registered Nurse Japan
Director of LPK ASD
Arief Syaiffudin Amd.Kep
Registered Kaigofukushishi
Arief Syaiffudin Amd.Kep Registered Kaigofukushishi
Teacher LPK ASD
Nadiya Nurrohmah Amd.Kep
Nadiya Nurrohmah Amd.Kep
Instructor of Japanese, Ethics and Culture
Devi Andika Putri Amd.Kep
Devi Andika Putri Amd.Kep
Registered Kaigofukushishi Japanese, FMD and OHS Instructor
Kontak Kami